Čo ponúkame zamestnancom

Etisoft sa zameriava na rozvoj svojich zamestnancov - nielen prostredníctvom nových zodpovedných úloh, ale aj prostredníctvom množstva ponúkaných školení. Vďaka špeciálne pripraveným individuálnym programom si môžu zdokonaliť svoje znalosti z vecných a cudzích jazykov, ako aj mäkké zručnosti.
Ponúkame atraktívny balíček výhod

Staráme sa o svojich zamestnancov, chránime ich práva a bezpečnosť.
Chceme, aby rodičia skĺbili rodičovské povinnosti so zamestnaneckými, ponúkali flexibilný pracovný čas, individuálny rozvrh pracovného času alebo možnosť skĺbiť materskú a rodičovskú dovolenku a prácu.

  • group insurance on favorable terms
  • Employee Pension Plan
  • annual social events and holidays
  • a wide range of the Social Fund
  • grant for Benefit MultiSport cards
  • Medicover healtcare

Čo nás odlišuje

Sme rýchlo rastúca organizácia, ktorá je založená iba na poľskom kapitály. Za posledných päť rokov sme zdvojnásobili počet zamestnancov a v súčasnosti zamestnávame viac ako 400 ľudí. Ambiciózne a zodpovedné úlohy umožňujú zamestnancom naplno využiť ich znalosti a skúsenosti. Ponúkame tiež dynamické a rozmanité pracovné prostredie, vďaka ktorému každý nový deň prináša nové výzvy. Pravidelne vykonávaný prieskum zamestnancov nám poskytuje znalosti, ktoré nám umožňujú vytvárať pohodlné a inšpiratívne pracovné prostredie. Hodnoty, na ktoré sa zameriavame, sú pozitívna a priama firemná kultúra a pracovné podmienky umožňujúce rovnováhu medzi pracovným a súkromným životom. Ak k tomu pridáme mimoriadne dobrý vzťah s partnermi a zákazníkmi v Poľsku i zahraničí, môžeme zaistiť, aby naša spoločnosť poskytovala stabilné zamestnanie v dobrej atmosfére vedúcej k efektívnej tímovej práci.

Počas náborového procesu sme voči kandidátom otvorení. Každý z nich nám môže zaslať otázky, pričom má úplnú jasnosť v tom, kto je jeho partnerom na druhej strane náborového procesu. Kandidáti sú považovaní za klientov dôležitých pre naše podnikanie, pretože pracovná zmluva je tiež pracovná. Kandidát a zamestnávateľ majú za určitých podmienok čo ponúknuť a ak s tým súhlasia obe strany, vstupujeme do vzťahu zamestnávateľ - zamestnanec. Sme úprimní, profesionálni a oddaní vzťahom. Stojí za to zdôrazniť, že s osobou, ktorá sa chce pripojiť k našej spoločnosti, sa zaobchádza ako s príležitosťou, nie s predkladateľom petície.

Ľudia s vášňou

Zamestnanci Etisoftu sú ľudia s vášňami a záujmami, ktoré rozvíjajú vo svojom voľnom čase. V našej spoločnosti sú zanietení športovci, cyklisti, beh a horolezectvo, námorníci, surferi a bluesoví hudobníci. Etisoft ich podporuje pri dosahovaní ich cieľov tým, že vytvára vlastné futbalové tímy, tímy pre bicykle, beh, lyžovanie a kitesurfing. Pracujeme s ľuďmi otvorenými novým myšlienkam, ktorí si vážia spoluprácu. Rešpektujeme ich vášne a záujmy, aby sme podporili ich implementáciu.


The head of the Logistics and Supplies Department spends his holidays cycling. He travelled this way on the following routes: Germany - Austria - Verona - Switzerland; Georgia; Norway, including the Arctic Circle.


Come rain or shine, he always walks to work. He enjoys using Nordic walking poles at the weekends. Covering the distance of even 60 km a day is not a problem for him. Adam from the Service Department has completed the longest mountain trail in Poland, that is the Main Beskid Trail which is about 517 km long.


Builds up his fitness during spontaneous bike trips. It could be a trip to Wrocław for a kebab. ? As he says, “I just get on the bike and go.” In 2018, he took part in the Wisła 1200 Bicycle Marathon. To cover the distance from the spring of the Vistula to its estuary in Gdańsk, he needed 150 hours and 23 minutes, including breaks for a short nap. Marcin works in the Production Department.


Anna is in her element when she cycles, rollerblades and does other activities. She loves freedom of travelling and she doesn’t like beaten paths and daily plans. She appreciates contact with nature untouched by the human hand. He has cycled through Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia, and completed a 3-month-long expedition, on two wheels as well, from Georgia to the Pamirs. Ania works in the Sales Department.


A founder of the Etisoft Fishing Team. He practices sport spinning fishing using a sonar, that is a specially made fishing rod, while fishing. He catches predatory fish only. He has been fishing since childhood and can be found at the most important competitions. Dawid is a production employee at ITS, a daughter company of Etisoft.


Spoluzakladateľ a spevák skupiny Around the Blues. Účinkovala už okrem iného aj na Rawa Blues a Olsztyn Blues Nights. Podieľa sa na hodnotných hudobných projektoch. Ázia je víťazom v kategórii Spevák blues v ankete BLUES TOP 2010 štvrťročného časopisu Twój Blues. Joanna pracuje v oddelení technológie.


Hrá squash už mnoho rokov. Pred niekoľkými rokmi začala behať a súťažiť na bežeckých podujatiach. Má za sebou niekoľko polmaratónov. Z behu na asfalte prešla na trailový beh, teda kombináciu behu a turistiky na horských chodníkoch. Orsi je generálnym riaditeľom v našej pobočke Etisoft Hungary.


Ideálny voľný čas pre Tatianu je dobrá kniha a jazda na kajaku. Ideálne by bolo, keby sa dalo robiť oboje súčasne ? Tatiana miluje cesty, počas ktorých hľadá aj možnosti, ako sa venovať svojim obľúbeným športom, ako je rafting. Je milovníčkou mačiek. Tatiana pracuje v obchodnom oddelení (marketingová divízia) spoločnosti Etisoft.


A professional graphic designer / technologist. Privately a bluesman, guitarist and co-founder of Black Amber and Around The Blues bands. He has performer at major blues festivals in Poland. He works in Technology Department.


An originator and good spirit of the Etisoft campaign called ‘A warm blanket on a winter night.’ Thanks to her involvement and persuasion, since 2015, Silesian shelters for stray animals have received each year several hundred kilograms of food and accessories needed in such facilities. She is an owner of a beloved female dog, Mafi, adopted from a shelter. At Etisoft, Ada works in the Production Department.


A founder of the Etisoft Bike Team, he divides his passion for sport between cycling and running. He genuinely enjoys extreme challenges: orienteering events, competition in mud or... a 24-hour run up the stairs at the Marriott hotel. He discovers the beauty of Silesia from the saddle of a bike. At Etisoft, he works at Marketing Department as a product manager, and he is responsible for automatic identification solutions


He is the libero in the Odra Racibórz volleyball team. He has been training volleyball, with a break since his school days. Together with his team he has won, among other things, the gold medal at the International Volleyball Tournament in Brno in the Czech Republic, the first place at the National Deaf Old Boys Volleyball Tournament for 35 years in Szczecin, and the second place at the National Cup Tournament in Racibórz. Marcin works in the Production Department.


Plays the guitar and he is interested in rock music and handball. Together with a group of friends he set himself the goal of cycling along the Green Velo, i.e., the 2,000 km long East of Poland Cycling Trail. They plan to achieve this goal within 5 years, each year devoting 6 days to the expedition. After two years, the team is at the halfway point. Olek is the head of the Product Development Department at Etisoft.


Has covered several thousand kilometres hitch-hiking. In this way he got to the Baltic Sea and to the festival in Jarocin. However, the expeditions in the middle of nowhere are the most impressive: Mariusz has almost travelled the length and breadth of Armenia, Georgia, the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, Iran, Ecuador, and Colombia. His dream? To see with his own eyes giant sequoias which grow, among others, in California. At Etisoft, Mariusz works in the Production Department.


One of the founders of the Etisoft Running Team, has three half-marathons to his credit. A fan of running, photography and wandering around the most beautiful parts of the United States. He works in Etisoft as the shift manager in the Production Department.


As a member of “MIG” the Deaf Sports Association she practices curling, also called the chess on ice. She successfully trains basketball and volleyball. In Etisoft works in the Logistic Department.


Professionally a graphic designer in the Marketing Department. Privately the extreme water sport enthsiast, a member of Etisoft Kite Team.


He works in the sales department of Etisoft Kraków, and in free time he plays the clarinet in the LajkFolk band.


Volcanic energy and good humor, loves Nordic Walking. Her success is to conquer, with her poles, the half-marathon route. In Etisoft in Invoicing Department.


Professionally product manager, employee of R&D department. Privately he is a powerhouse – enthusiast of rock climbing, mountain climbing and cycling.


Works in the Sales Department - Automotive. She's always smiling, full of energy, and solves all difficult tasks. She spends her free time in an active way; cycling, sailing, and kitesurfing are her passions.

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