Intralogistické systémy

Intralogistické systémy sú samoriadiace AMR (Autonomous Mobile Robots) založené na AGV (Automated Guided Vehicles). Sú určené na automatickú prepravu súčiastok a hotových výrobkov vo výrobnej hale alebo sklade. Po určených trasách prepravujú štandardné palety, kontajnery a logistické koše. Na prevádzku AGV dohliada systém IntraFleet. Systém správy vozového parku IntraFleet umožňuje navrhovať logistické procesy a riadiť dopravu s ohľadom na infraštruktúru výrobnej haly a skladu, ako aj na pohyb zamestnancov. Modulárna konštrukcia AGV uľahčuje proces navrhovania intralogistického systému podľa potrieb zákazníkov.

  • optimalizácia logistických procesov
  • zníženie nákladov na vnútornú logistiku
  • navigácia pomocou magnetických pások alebo laserového skenovania priestoru
  • zabezpečovacie systémy založené na certifikovaných komponentoch
  • systém automatického nabíjania batérie
  • analýza pred implementáciou založená na simulácii v softvéri FlexSim.




Together with Etisoft Smart Solutions we provide complete internal logistics systems based on various types of AGVs/AMRs.

We ensure:

  • pre-implementation analysis,
  • design of the entire system,
  • simulation and virtual deployment,
  • deployment of the intralogistics system,
  • maintenance service.

All AGVs designed by us can be navigated in two ways: with the use of floor magnetic tapes or by laser space scanning using SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping). The IntraBot mobile robots together with the associated infrastructure form an automatic onsite transportation system. Their operation is supervised by our original fleet management system IntraFleet. It is a web application which plans single or combined missions within the framework of a single course, manages robot traffic, e.g., by avoiding collisions and congestion, provides necessary statistics and cooperates with the ERP/MES/WMS class systems ensuring automatic exchange of data with the customer’s systems in real time.

IntraBot Flat

IntraBot Flat is a platform vehicle intended for the transport of loads on pallets received by an external device, e.g., a forklift truck. It has been designed in two versions: for transporting loads of a maximum weight of up to 500 kg and for very heavy loads of up to 1100 kg.  The vehicle moves independently along the designated routes on the warehouse floor from the place of loading to the place of unloading between stations in the production hall.

  • transport of EUR1 or EUR 3 pallets
  • cooperation with a pallet warehouse
  • two models: IntraBot Flat 550 and IntraBot Flat 1100
mobile robot

IntraBot Lift

IntraBot Lift is a self-driving truck equipped with lifting beams of standard EUR1 or EUR3 dimensions. It has been designed in two versions: to transport pallets with a load of 550 kg and 1100 kg. Its task is to replace forklift trucks and their operators. The lift mounted on the self-driving platform makes it easier to load and unload pallets at delivery and collection points.

  • handling of EUR1 or EUR3 pallets
  • two models: IntraBot Lift 550 and IntraBot Lift 1100
  • cooperation with pallet docks
  • transport of logistics baskets (transport baskets)
autonomiczny wózek AGV

IntraBot Stand

IntraBot Stand is an autonomous vehicle adapted to transport racks of production containers. Its structure makes it possible to safely transport racks specially made for the purposes of transport processes. This allows for convenient integration with the production line or conveyors. It has been designed in two versions: for transporting lighter components of up to 500 kg and for exceptionally heavy loads of up to 110 kg.

  • transport of components in production containers
  • modular design which makes it possible to adapt it to your needs
  • two models: IntraBot Stand 550 and IntraBot Stand 1100
autonomiczny robot AGV

IntraBot Tow

IntraBot Tow is an automated vehicle that pulls wagons or logistics baskets on wheels. The logistics train is intended for the transportation of components and finished goods between stations in the production hall. The use of transport basket on wheels without the need for lifting them is an advantage of this solution. The whole internal traffic takes place on the floor.

  • transport of components and production tools around the hall
  • transport of products and goods to and from the warehouse
  • ordering of transport equipment
pociąg logistyczny

IntraBot Pull

IntraBot Pull is an autonomous robot for moving logistics baskets on wheels. It facilitates their transportation and segregation in the production hall and warehouse. Its exceptionally flat design enables it to drive under the transported basket. The self-driving platform has been equipped with a detection, docking and stabilisation system of the transported basket.

  • transport of logistics baskets
  • can move in any direction
  • maximum towing capacity 500 kg
autonomiczny robot AGV

Cooperative devices

Intralogistics systems are not only about mobile robots. A well-designed intralogistics system is complemented by devices which operate closely with robots. Thanks to them the adaptation of the system to the existing plant infrastructure is much easier and more efficient. Suitable mechanical interfaces are taken into consideration at the system design stage and provided during the implementation:

  • drive and roller docks for loading and unloading of pallets
  • automatic pallet lift
  • intelligent pallet buffers
  • automatic empty pallet warehouse
  • code readers
  • RFID equipment
  • RFID labels and markings
  • Auto ID equipment
  • printing and application systems
  • IT systems and solutions


In production halls:

  • supplying components for production,
  • receiving finished products/semi-finished products from production and their transportation to a storage or shipping area,
  • delivery and reception of tool and raw materials to machines,
  • collection of waste and its export to the right zone.

In the logistics and warehousing area:

  • transport of products and goods to and from the warehouse,
  • transport between picking zones and buffer warehouses (supermarkets),
  • ordering of transport equipment in warehouses and supermarkets,
  • other transport activities inside production halls and warehouses.


Mobile robots, commonly referred to as AGVs or AMRs constitute an essential element of the equipment in production halls and warehouses. The arguments for their use are many. These are, among other things, efficiency and reliability of the system, a quick return on investment and an alternative to the quickly changing labour market. As everything new, the investment in mobile vehicles is accompanied by numerous questions, especially the ones concerning the safety of people and machines. Safety of using intralogistics systems is one of the most important elements for us.

We guarantee:

  • safety of customer’s processes (pre-implementation analysis, simulations in the FlexSin environment)
  • safety of robots and people (security systems, standards and certificates, renowned suppliers)
  • implementation security (a team of experienced engineers, testing, implementation, monitoring, external security audits, technical support, and replacement equipment)
  • financial security (stable company with an established position on the market, recognisable and reliable Etisoft brand, more than 25 years of experience, implementations in operation)

Continuous development

We develop our products by carrying out R&D projects from our own and external resources. It is significant for business reasons but also for the whole development-oriented team of engineers. We are provided with substantive support by the scientists of the Silesian University of Technology. New projects in progress:

  • The AMR is dedicated for industrial applications in cold store and freezers (-25°C).
  • SAWA automatic battery exchange station
  • Improving the IntraFleet system for supervising the operation of robots
  • The projects are supported by the European Union


  • Automation of processes of supplying components to production lines
  • Automatic delivery system
  • Automatic segregation system
  • Automatic inventory system

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