Tlačové a aplikačné zariadenia (Print & Apply)

Tlačové a aplikačné zariadenia (Print & Apply) – slúžia na tlač rôznych informácií na etiketu a aplikáciu etikety na produkt alebo jeho obal. Sú prispôsobené na prevádzku a inštalujú sa priamo na výrobné linky. Tlačové a aplikačné zariadenia pozostávajú z tlačového modulu založeného na technológii prenosu tepla a aplikátora. Tlačové moduly sú prispôsobené na tlač textov, čísel, hmotnosti výrobkov, čiarových kódov a 2D kódov a na kódovanie štítkov RFID. Tlačové a aplikačné zariadenia zaisťujú zachovanie vysokej účinnosti výroby pri zachovaní presnosti a estetického vzhľadu aplikovanej etikety. Aplikátory štítkov používané v zariadeniach Print & Apply sú prispôsobené na nanášanie štítkov na rovné a okrúhle povrchy. Poskytujú možnosť aplikácie na dve susedné strany obalu. V ponuke sú zariadenia vyrobené spoločnosťou Label-Aire s tlačovými modulmi Zebra alebo Sato

  • vysoká účinnosť až 100 aplikácií / min.
  • vysoká presnosť aplikácie štítkov až do ± 0,8 mm
  • možnosť vytlačenia a aplikácie štítku obsahujúceho rôzne informácie (číslo, hmotnosť, dátum)
  • možnosť aplikácie na rôzne miesta na produkte
  • možnosť aplikácie rôznych veľkostí a tvarov etikiet
  • možnosť aplikácie logistických štítkov 148mmx210mm
  • možnosť integrácie s výrobnou linkou
  • intuitívny ovládací panel
  • optimalizácia nákladov spojených s procesom aplikácie etiketys



Printing and application of labels to flat surfaces

A system designed for labelling cartons and other flat surfaces. Printed labels can be applied using various application methods including blowing, pressing, or rubbing the label against the labelled surface. The applicator provides high precision of label application even at high operating speed of the device. The printing and application system connected to measuring equipment can print information on labels related to the product, such as weight or serial number.

  • ideal for labelling cartons, trays, containers
  • high precision of label application up to ±0.8mm
  • possibility to print variable information on each label
  • possibility to use thermal transfer printers of various manufacturers (Zebra, TSC, Printronix, Toshiba)

Printing and application of a label to pallets

A system designed for marking of pallets with a logistics label together with the verification of the correctness of barcodes. It is equipped with an automatically adjusted actuator which applies the label. The industrial labelling machine is suitable for 24/7 continuous operation. The device can be built-in or equipped with an automatic height-adjustable stand. Thanks to that it is possible to position the printing and application device at the height at which the label is applied to the pallet.

  • marking of pallets with a logistics label
  • a spring-loaded tip which presses the label against the surface
  • a device intended for 24/7 operation
  • guarantee of safety for employees collecting the pallets

Printing and application of a label to two adjacent sides of a product

A single device which makes it possible to simultaneously print out and apply labels to two adjacent sides of a box or pallet. Such a solution makes it possible to reduce the number of devices used and lower the investment costs. Application of labels can be carried out in a sequential way or with the aid of a production-line PLC.

  • printing and application of two labels by a single device
  • lower costs, more free space
  • easy integration with the production line

Printing and application of a label with corner label folding

A labelling system with corner folding is intended for labelling and sealing of boxes. The printed label is applied to two adjacent sides of the packaging for better product identification. Depending on whether labelling takes place while the product is stopped or in motion, the application is carried out using a special adaptive split head or additional tightening accessories.

  • labelling of two adjacent sides of a product with a single label
  • protection of the box against opening
  • automatic and semi-automatic version available
  • handling of various sizes using of a single applicator

Printing and application of labels to cylindrical products

A Print and Apply system for automatic labelling of cylindrical products with large and small diameters. The printed label is automatically applied to the wrapper with or without an overlap. The labelling machine is suitable for labelling both short and long round products. Specialist heads make it possible to label cylindrical products without the need for rotating them during label application.

  • labelling of cables, pipes, rods and turned components
  • application to the wrapper with or without an overlap
  • possibility of adjusting to the diameter of products
  • automatic or semi-automatic version available
  • possibility to use a robotic arm

Printing and application of a flag-shaped label

A labelling machine for applying flag-shaped labels to thin round products such as wires, tubes, rods, and shafts. A single tip can apply printed labels to goods of different diameters. It is possible to integrate the system with thermal transfer printers of various manufacturers.

  • labelling of wires, pipes, and bars
  • application of flag-shaped labels
  • possibility of adjusting to the diameter of products
  • possibility to use thermal transfer printers of various manufacturers (Zebra, TSC, Printronix, Toshiba)

Systems for printing and application of labels to bottles, jars, cans

A complete system for transportation and labelling of bottles, jars, and cans. The system integrated with printing and application devices simultaneously transports, segregates, and positions the packaging. The line has a wide scope of adjustment to the handled products and changeover options. The labelling machine makes it possible to apply labels around the circumference of a product, on opposite sides, from above or from below.

  • labelling of bottles, jars, and cans
  • high efficiency of the line and precision of application
  • a high-quality construction made of stainless steel and aluminium
  • a device intended for 24/7 operation

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